Fundraising Event for Childrens Cancer Charity

Every Wednesday morning I attend a breakfast meeting at The Novotel in York. It is a referral based networking group, one of the more formal forms of networking that I engage with.

That doesn’t mean we’re not able to have fun though. This weekend the group are holding a family friendly music festival at The Red Lion, Upper Poppleton. Visitors will discover great live music from local headline bands; entertainment for the children, beer and food. 

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Develop Know, Like, Trust in your copywriting

As business owners we have all heard the term know, like, trust in reference to creating good working relationships with potential and ongoing clients. It’s easy to see where these principles apply in face to face networking, but how can you build on this useful tool with your online and written content?

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Building a Brand – Start with your Why

Early in my work as a freelance writer I was lucky enough to be introduced to Simon Sinek and his incredible TED talk – How Great Leaders Inspire Action. Everything that Simon advocates looks at the importance of starting from a place of passion – then using the reason why you are in business as a driving factor in building your brand.

the aim is not to do business with everyone who needs the thing you have; but to do business with everyone who believes what you believe.

So do you understand the passion that drives you in your business journey? Are you using this to develop engaging and inspiring narratives in your marketing plan?

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The fair trade movement in Britain – why should we care?

Making York a Fair Trade City

york minster

Since 2004 a group of volunteers have been working behind the scenes to maintain York’s status as a fair trade city. They state Fair Trade – as opposed to Fairtrade – because there are many ways in which everyone can support fairly traded goods even when they don’t meet the exacting status of the official Fairtrade movement. With the celebration of International Fair Trade Day in May, Claire Davies met with Helen Harrison and Kathryn Tissiman to discuss their work within the York Fair Trade Forum.


Why worry about fair trade?

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Three places every foodie should try when visiting Newcastle

I have been making regular trips to Newcastle city centre for around five years now, all part of my post transplant management at the wonderful Freeman Hospital.  After an early start in clinic I’m usually done by lunchtime and have the luxury of an afternoon to trip round my regular haunts before jumping on the train home.

After much research and deliberation (my life is so hard sometimes, not) I thought it was time I put together a blog post sharing some of the venues that have made a visiting Yorkshire gal so welcome. Here are my three ‘must visit’ food and drink venues in the economic centre of the north east of England.

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