Things to do in York for 2019 – Get rid of those creative blocks

Happy 2019 folks!

How do you feel on the first productive day of this new year?

Raring to go? Are you bursting with ideas, or are you struggling to think through a haze of sugar, cheese and turkey sandwiches?

If you’re not really in the mood for setting life-changing resolutions then don’t worry, you are not alone. The zeitgeist seems to be shifting away from the new year, new you approach (who says I need fixing anyway, thank you very much) to a quieter, more reflective mood. This suits me very nicely. Rather than soul searching for things that I should be doing better, I like to spend this first week or so looking for ways to oil my creative cogs and crank up my imagination.

You may be interested to know that until 1752, we celebrated the start of a new year in March, not January. The weather has been kind to us so far, but winter is not a good time to deprive yourself of enjoyable treats or commit to flinging yourself around the gym in front of massive, unforgiving mirrors. I find that by indulging my natural curiosity, treading gently and perhaps discovering a new hobby – I am better prepared for a natural burst of energy come spring. Here are just a few of the things that I plan to do in early 2019.

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Claire Davies Consulting Narrative Strategy

Improve Your Copy – Write A Copy Brief

Whether you are hiring a copywriter or crafting your own copy, it is vital to lay out a clear copy brief of what you are trying to achieve, how, and why.

The majority of my clients are sole traders or operate within small, independent businesses. They have little experience of the copywriting process, or how to get the best out of the person who is writing their copy. 

To address this, I developed a process which enables me to collate all of the knowledge required to successfully complete a project. Today I want to share that process with you.

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Claire Davies Food Writer On Sofa

Getting Around Creative Blocks – Living a Creative Life

If you want to write but don’t know where to start, what do you do?

I write for a living. Or I’m paid to talk about writing.

Before writing became the way I paid my bills, it was one of many creative outlets. My need to be creative is as much part of me as my shaved hair and tendency to talk too much.


Even the most productive among us face writer’s block. Overwhelmed with ideas, the fast-moving pace of a stressful age, even electric lighting and the faint buzz of technology that feels inescapable  – all can stifle our natural ability to be creative.

This has become such a popular topic of conversation that I’ve started asking people for their own tips on beating the block. Here are three of the most common, I hope you find them useful.


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Claire Davies Copywriter

Questions to answer in your marketing copy – B2B.

Writing copy for a business audience

The principles behind good copy apply whatever your audience. People are just people after all, with a number of emotional and illogical impulses that influence their buying habits. However. If your client is a business owner, there are practical questions that will need answering before they make a purchase. Here are a few pointers to help you write copy that sells.

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scottish shortbread

National Shortbread Day

I don’t have a particularly sweet tooth but I can never resist a good homebaked shortbread. So much better than shop bought and so incredibly easy to make. The moreish nature of the Scottish biscuit is achieved through a mix of three parts flour, two parts butter and one part sugar. How simple is that? To celebrate National Shortbread Day let’s take a look at one of the nation’s favourite sweet treats, starting from the very beginning. 

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Alpine cheese recipe

An autumn dish with Summerfields Alpine from Botton Creamery.

Long-term followers of my work will know that my love of words started with a devotion to food. Occasionally I get to combine the two again. This is one of those times – an invite to enter the Love Cheese Challenge with a unique cheese recipe. A box loaded with delicious cheese was hand delivered to my office at The Natural Entrepreneurs Workspace. Let me tell you, not much work was achieved that day.

All three of the cheeses for the Love Cheese cookery challenge are fine examples of the quality on offer from British producers. However, my particular favourite is definitely the Summerfields Alpine from Botton Creamery.

Bursting with deep, nutty flavours this Comte-like cheese immediately inspires thoughts of woody thyme, hazelnuts and sharp apples. It reminds me of a previous recipe from my food history blog – a pumpkin and apple pie baked in 1685 by ‘Accomplished Cook’ Robert May. This 17th-century pumpkin pie combined winter squash, sharp apples, thyme and nuts to make a savoury version of the dish we know today.

So with those component parts in mind, here is my vegetarian cheese recipe using Summerfields Alpine.

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web writing yorkshire

Should you be blogging? Why the answer might be no.

As a copywriter who helps business owners to write blogs, you might be surprised to hear me say that not everyone needs a blog section on their website. In fact, it’s a conversation that I have with almost all of my new blogging clients. These are some of the most common responses that I hear when I ask,  “why do you need a blog for your business?”

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A Micro Brewery Mystery Tour with Brewtown

Mark Stredwick is most definitely crazy about craft beer. Sixteen years abroad presented an opportunity to explore the industry on an international scale; including work as a guide with a brewery tour company in Australia. His return to the region happily coincided with a boom in local micro-breweries – and Brewtown Tours was born. As a female beer drinker, I may be one of a growing number of people converting to the cause, but Mark’s enthusiasm would persuade even a determined beer cynic.

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